the fields in _2004_header_data must be 4bytes each. They are
currently declared as long unsigned int, which is 8 bytes (at least in
my architecture). I had to change it to unsigned int in order to get
the code working...
On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva
<address@hidden> wrote:
Could you please send me your file than can I test it and fix the code
(after a few free days)?
Sure. This file is a huge sample file that we use for testing
purposes. It is bundled with some AutoCAD CD, a friend of mine sent it
to me. I'll send it directly to your e-mail since it's very large.
Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva
PoliGNU - Grupo de Estudos de Software Livre da Poli/USP
FSF Associate Member #7788