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Re: Issue with documentation at

From: Raphael Mack
Subject: Re: Issue with documentation at
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 22:31:49 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.38.3-1

Hi Mischa,

thanks for the notice. The problem is, that "ET" (our automated eiffel tester) is generating the docs on every run from the current HEAD. And since some time (maybe since the last debian upgrade on the server running ET) eiffeldoc fails with n exit code of 137 - which signals an out-of-memory failure.
eiffeldoc runs normally with the BDW-GC enabled but during the last upgrade also libgc was upgraded and maybe we have some issue here.

As next we could try to run eiffeldoc with the SE-GC or dig into the details why we do not see (good enough) memory cleanup with the BDW.

This might not really help, but at least explain the situation.


Am Sonntag, dem 08.05.2022 um 22:39 +0200 schrieb Mischa Megens:
Dear liberty-eiffel,

When I try to access the information at under 'The core library' (the first bullet point on the page), then I am referred to
However, it appears there is no longer an index.html at

and I end up with a
"Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server."
What happened?

With kind regards,

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