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[Liberty-eiffel] compiler internals: live features

From: Raphael Mack
Subject: [Liberty-eiffel] compiler internals: live features
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 18:22:57 +0000
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H5 (6.2.1)

Hi Cyril,

as this might be interesting for any hacker who wants to read some details, I suggest to discuss this publicly. @all: please tell us, if you think this is too much for the public mailing list - then we might want to add some "liberty-internals" list. If not and you are interested follow the discussion and start providing patches for Liberty ;-)

Zitat von Cyril ADRIAN <address@hidden>:
too. Don't hesitate to ask questions, I am not that good at explaining the
whole architecture from scratch.

so here is one:
assume we have an expanded type FILE_TOOLS, without any attributes and another expanded class CLASSES_TREE_FACTORY with a single attribute file_tools: FILE_TOOLS.

The struct for CLASSES_TREE_FACTORY is reduced to an int, which is good, but the introspection doesn't currently work with this. So would you consider the attribute CLASSES_TREE_FACTORY.file_tools a live feature? - I'd think so, as it IS used, we only have not to emit the attribute into the type struct...

And: who is responsible to detect the set of live types and features?


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