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[Koha-win32] bulkmarcimport.pl

From: David Whelchel
Subject: [Koha-win32] bulkmarcimport.pl
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 11:13:18 -0800

Hi Rob and list,

I am trying to install Koha on windows for myself and several others who have extensive research libraries. Koha appears to be a very good solution for our needs.  I have successfullly installed and documented the base configuration. But I have run into several problems and am trying to attack them in a systematic way. I was wondering if you had any resolution to the bulkmarcimport.pl problem. I would be willing to be a tester for you if needed.

Here is the error I receive:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cd c:\usr\koha227\scripts\misc\migration_tools

C:\usr\koha227\scripts\misc\migration_tools>set KOHA_CONF=c:\etc\koha.conf
C:\usr\koha227\scripts\misc\migration_tools>set PERL5LIB=c:\usr\koha227\intranet\modules
Can't locate object method "ignore_errors" via package "MARC::Charset" at C:\usr\koha227\scripts\misc\migration_tools\bulkmarcimport.pl line 24.
I found this on one of the Koha lists.

> You're right, MARC::Charset dropped the package-level methods
ignore_errors and assume_unicode from v0.92 to v0.95.  The ignore_errors
flag must now be set when calling the conversion routine.
I suggest first commenting out these method calls, though
MARC::Record will choke if you don't have near-perfect records.  If
(when) that  fails, roll back to 0.92; I don't think there are any
issues there... though  I'd like to know otherwise if I'm wrong
> (anyone?)

Aparently the rollback did not work.

I don’t want to monopolize your time so I am still digging on several other problems (z39.50 500 error in search.pl, no remote access to intranet even with the host file entries and how to implement LC Call numbers).

I am running your most current configuration from the Koha win32 downloads site. The base os is windows 2003 server. (I also re-ran the perl modules)

Koha V2.2.7 Stable Release for Windows
Updated Jan. 8, 2007 to include fix for perl modules and marc_subfields_structure.pl
(Install build R2 last updated January 8, 2007 - 18.2 MB)
ActivePerl 5.8.x Modules for Koha Updated Jan. 8, 2007 fixed errors that caused DBD-mysql and MARC-charset to fail to install on some systems (Install build R4 last updated January 8, 2007 - 10.1 MB)
Apache - V2.0.59   
MySQL - V4.0.26   
Activestate Perl - V5.8.8.817  
YAZ Toolkit - V2.1.40   

Thanks for your time


David L. Whelchel
D. L. Whelchel & Associates

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