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[Klog-devel] Load and Save

From: Andrew Goldie
Subject: [Klog-devel] Load and Save
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 08:54:37 +1200
User-agent: KMail/1.11.2 (Linux/2.6.28-11-generic; KDE/4.2.2; x86_64; ; )

Hi Jaime,

Over the weekend I had some fun in the Oceania DX contest and heres what 

Since I didn't have a contest logging program for Linux I used Klog 0.4.6 - 
the version I added the contest extra code to. 

This worked fine for a little while until I shut down Klog and tried to load 
the contest log I had just saved. This didn't work for some weird reason. So I 
thought "easy I'll just edit the code and recompile". Unfortunately having 
upgraded to KUbuntu 9.04 which uses KDE4 the QT3 libraries weren't there - no 
problem I just installed them . But I still couldn't get klog-0.4.6 to compile 
- something to do with looking for KDE libraries  - probably version 3.x ones. 

So to cut a long story short I quickly had to find another contest logging 
program for Linux. I then stumbled across one called QLE 
(http://home.kpn.nl/w.knol18/qle/qle.html - This was written by WIlbert Knol 
who used to belong to our local radio club before he shifted back to The 
Netherlands). After some fairly quick, although that easy, configuration I was 
up and running again.

I mention this because QLE uses a SQLlite database back end to save it's data 
in. Would it be worth considering using a database to store the Klog data in 
as opposed to the QSO class? It would mean some rewriting of the code but it 
would take away the hassle of looking after what could become a big in memory 
QList of QSO's. It would also mean that all QSO's are automatically saved when 
they are created - this would making the saving and loading not needed.

What do you think?


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