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[Jailkit-users] Installing all files from an rpm (or rpm -q --filesbypkg

From: Anton Melser
Subject: [Jailkit-users] Installing all files from an rpm (or rpm -q --filesbypkg ???)
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 19:38:02 +0200

Hi (first post!),
I have just found the wonderful jailkit. I spent ages looking for a
tool like this, and then came back with the right google keywords and
paff! Jailkit! Hurrah!
Anyway, is there any way to get all the files installed by an rpm? I
know this is pretty complicated, and in a way would mean providing an
advanced interface to rpm (or apt, or whatever...) but I need to
install apache + mod_php + the mysql client (for mysqlphp) into a
chroot, and am finding it a little hard... Does anyone have any
pointers on how I might be able to do this?
I would look at the code but alas, python is not one of my languages
and it is a little daunting.
My idea was to run two apaches (or maybe a squid and an apache) and
have the chrooted apache run on a non-privileged port (redirected from
normal apache or squid on port 80 for virtual host X), as the chroot
user needs to be able to have full control over apache.

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