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[igraph] help about extracting the largest connected component

From: Ali Ilhan
Subject: [igraph] help about extracting the largest connected component
Date: Wed, 16 May 2018 14:33:26 +0300

Dear all,

I am pretty new to igraph and R, and having some difficulties (long time Stata and SAS user). I have a graph of roughly 32000 vertices, which has a largest component of around 6200 connected nodes. All I want to do is to extract this as a new igraph object, and calculate some basic network metrics such as  density, mean degree centrality etc. 

I have tried to various things which have been suggested before in this list, such as:

giant.component <- function(graph, ...) {
  cl <- clusters(graph, ...)
  subgraph(graph, which(cl$membership == which.max(cl$csize)-1)-1)

tail.component <- function(graph, ...) {
  cl <- clusters(graph, ...)
  subgraph(graph, which(cl$membership != which.max(cl$csize)-1)-1)

But could not get the code to work. I have been mainly playing with induce.subgraph and decompose.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Warm wishes,

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