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Re: [igraph] Memory issues with igraph-python get_subisomorphisms_vf2

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] Memory issues with igraph-python get_subisomorphisms_vf2
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 22:45:41 +0200

> I can see that the algorithm can very quickly assess if there is a subgraph 
> isomorphism.
> Could I use this algorithm to extract the information on which vertices 
> (edges incident with them) do not obey the subgraph isomorphism?
I don't think there it - the original VF2 implementation does not seem
to reveal this information and igraph only provides a wrapper on top
of the original VF2 implementation that allows us to use it with
igraph graphs.

Best regards,

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