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Re: [igraph] Graph isomorphism

From: priyanka nimavat
Subject: Re: [igraph] Graph isomorphism
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2015 15:53:29 +0530

Thank you so much for response.. its working fine. I am getting the result in terms of the list containing true or false. Is there any way to extract the name of graph objects which are returning result as True with the name of two graph objects which are isomorphic.. ?? And yes how can i access the resultant list of r(in my example) in global environment after the end of for loop..??

Thank you

On 7 July 2015 at 14:40, priyanka nimavat <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi all,
i am having problem in finding graph isomorphism together of 5 graph objects.As an example my r script is as follow.

g1 <- graph.ring(10 , directed = FALSE)
g2 <- graph.ring(5 , directed = FALSE)
g3 <- graph.ring(7 , directed = FALSE)
g4 <- graph.ring(6 , directed = FALSE)
g5 <- graph.ring(8 , directed = FALSE)

g <- list(g1,g2,g3,g4,g5)

iso = function(g , i ,j)
  r <- graph.isomorphic(g[i],g[j])

for(i in 1:5)
  for(j in 1:5)
    r= iso(g , i , j)

It is giving an error that g is not a graph object. Because in function graph.isomorphic it is only accepting graph objects. Is there any way to find isomorphism of multiple graph objects together using for loop.

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