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Re: [igraph] Import error in Python

From: Tamás Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] Import error in Python
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 23:49:59 +0100


Can you please try the packages from https://launchpad.net/~igraph/+archive/ppa 
instead of the official Debian repos? The ones in the Debian repos are prepared 
by the Debian Python Modules Team as far as I know so we cannot do anything 
with it. The ones on Launchpad are built by us.

> I also tried a hack analogous to what suggested here:
> http://byeworld.blogspot.it/2009/01/libf2cso-undefined-reference-to-main.html 
> with the only result of changing the error message to:
> ImportError: /home/pietro/mylib/libf2c.so.2: invalid ELF header
That won’t work in your case; it would be useful if you compiled the igraph 
library on your own -- the hack on that page basically replaces the dynamic 
version of the libf2c library with the static version, which essentially means 
that any code being compiled and linked to libf2c will automatically link to 
its static version even if the compiler requested the dynamic version.


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