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Re: [igraph] smooth interaction between igraph/R and networkx/python

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] smooth interaction between igraph/R and networkx/python
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2012 16:45:40 +0100
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> As you said, there does not seem to be easy choices other then automatising
> at the filesystem level (saving hundreds of graphs from R, processing
> hundreds of graphs in python while writing them, and reading the hundreds of
> graphs from R again. Oh well.
Well, there is one more possibility. If your graph does not have attributes,
you can simply convert it into an edgelist using get.edgelist in the R side,
and then you can re-construct the graph on the Python side from the edge
list. I don't know NetworkX well enough but I'm 100% sure that it has some
function for creating graphs from numeric edge lists. This way you can avoid
the overhead of saving the graphs to disk.


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