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Re: [igraph] smooth interaction between igraph/R and networkx/python

From: Tamas Nepusz
Subject: Re: [igraph] smooth interaction between igraph/R and networkx/python
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2012 12:06:31 +0100
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> forth (incidentally, igraph is not able to read the gml and pajek graphs
> exported from networkx). 
Can you please send me a few example graphs produced by NetworkX that cannot
be read by igraph?

> However, a bit ahead I am going to have to do the back-and-forth between
> igraph/R and networkx/python for many graphs. Is anybody familiar with
> tricks to implement this in code?
The only trick that comes into my mind is that if you want to avoid having
to jump back and forth between an R console and a Python console, you could
try RPy (http://rpy.sourceforge.net), which aims to bridge the gap between
the two languages. Note that R and Python still live in their separate
worlds, RPy just gives you tools to pass basic variables between them.
(Passing igraph graphs directly won't work, though).


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