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Re: [igraph] k-shortest paths between two vertices

From: Pasquale D'Andreti
Subject: Re: [igraph] k-shortest paths between two vertices
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 23:30:00 +0100
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Thank you Tamas for your advice,

I just write down a _very early_ and _very poorly written_ C code to find all paths in a noncyclic and nonlooped directed graph. It should be a matter of 2-3 more code lines to check for loops and cycles. It should be OK with multiple edges although I never tested so. I just checked code on only one graph and was OK. I'm not sure that there are no memory leakages because I don't know exactly how igraph_ptr_destroy_all does its work and I didn't stressed enough my calloc/free related code. Now it'll be easy to find the k-shortest paths but I suspect that there is a better/smarter way to do all I need.


...initial code here...

        igraph_t graph;
        igraph_integer_t s, t;
        igraph_adjlist_t adjlist;
        igraph_vector_ptr_t paths;

...graph building here... (noncyclic and nonlooped)

        igraph_adjlist_init(&graph, &adjlist, IGRAPH_OUT);
        igraph_vector_ptr_init(&paths, 0);

...s (from) and t (to) initialization here...

// compute all paths
        get_all_st_paths(&paths, &adjlist, s, t, NULL);

// print the paths found
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < (int) igraph_vector_ptr_size(&paths); i++) {
                printf("path %3d:", i);


...other code here...

Now the C function

int get_all_st_paths(
                igraph_vector_ptr_t *paths,     // paths vector
                igraph_adjlist_t *al,           // adjacency list
                igraph_integer_t from,          // from node
                igraph_integer_t to,            // to node
                igraph_vector_t *path           // current path
                ) {

        int i;
        igraph_vector_t *vadlist, *path1;
        igraph_real_t child;

        if (path == NULL) {
                path = (igraph_vector_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(igraph_vector_t));
                igraph_vector_init(path, 0);
        igraph_vector_push_back(path, from);
        if (to == from) {
                // append last found path to paths ptr vector
                igraph_vector_ptr_push_back(paths, path);
                return 0;

        vadlist = igraph_adjlist_get(al, from);
        for (i = 0; i < igraph_vector_size(vadlist); i++) {
                child = VECTOR(*vadlist)[i];
                path1 = (igraph_vector_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(igraph_vector_t));
                igraph_vector_copy(path1, path);
                get_all_st_paths(paths, al, child, to, path1);


On 09/01/2011 22:33, Tamás Nepusz wrote:
Hi Pasquale,

I'm looking for a C function that help me to find the k-shortest paths between 
to vertices or, at least, to find (and enumerate) all paths between to 
vertices, preferably in form of edge sequence.
Are there any news since then?
No, there aren't any -- you have to implement this yourself. The Python 
solution you've seen on Stack Overflow is pretty self-explanatory once you 
understand a bit of Python; if you have specific questions about it and need 
some pointers to translate it to C, let me know.

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