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[igraph] labels and edges in pajek format

From: Martín Graña
Subject: [igraph] labels and edges in pajek format
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 13:54:54 +0200

Hi there,

First, congrats for the igraph package, which I recently 'discovered'.

Second, what I did:
> library(igraph)
> library(Cairo)
> g<-read.graph("test5.net", format="pajek")
> coords <- layout.kamada.kawai(g)
> plot(g, layout=coords, vertex.label=V(g)$id, edge.label=E(g)$weight)

The edges are not displayed with these instructions; just labelled nodes. The graph has two (differently weighted) edges for each vertex pair.

I am doing this with R 2.9.0 and igraph obtained through cran; running on a mac box (os x 10.4.11). The original .net file and/or a postscript produced by pajek could be sent to you. But I am not aware if this mailing-list supports attachments.

Thanks in advance for the help you may pay to this request.


PS. Cairo library just loaded for future workaround --inspired by your screenshots.

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