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[Hyperbole-users] ANNOUNCE: GNU Hyperbole 5.15 is released for testing a

From: Robert Weiner
Subject: [Hyperbole-users] ANNOUNCE: GNU Hyperbole 5.15 is released for testing and use
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 19:24:30 -0400

GNU Hyperbole 5.15 is now available for testing and use with a number
of new features as described below.  Instructions on how to download
and install it as an Emacs package are included after the What's New

The GNU Hyperbole project home page gives a more extensive description
for those unfamiliar:  https://www.gnu.org/software/hyperbole/

                                      What's New in GNU Hyperbole
*                                                       V5.15


    - New Implicit Button Type, debbugs-gnu-mode: When on a GNU Debbugs listing
      entry in debbugs-gnu-mode, an Action Key press displays the discussion of
      the selected issue; an Assist Key press pretty prints the status of the
      issue to a window below the listing window.  This augments the
      debbugs-gnu-query implicit button type from V5.14 which recognizes
      bug/issue ids and queries in any buffer.

    - Initial Org Mode Support: The new implicit button type, org-mode, follows
      Org mode hyperlinks and cycles display views of Org mode outline headings.
      When on a heading, the Action Key cycles the view of the subtree at point
      and the Assist Key cycles the view of all headings in the buffer.

      Suggest other good ideas for Smart Key actions on Org entities and we'll
      likely implement them.

    - Links to Info Manual Index Items: You can now drag between windows with
      the Action Mouse Key depressed to an Info Manual index menu entry to
      create an explicit button link to it (or use {C-h h e c} with an action
      type of link-to-Info-index-item).  Then the button will always take you
      to the line in the manual referenced by that index item.  This also works
      with other Info menu items and cross-references.  Implicit buttons that
      reference index items work too, like "(hyperbole)C-c C-m"!  And when you
      are creating the link, full completion of the file name (within
      parentheses) and the index item name is provided; just type ? to list
      completions after typing a few characters.  Since Emacs and most GNU
      programs include Info manuals, you now have a simple way to link to and
      jump to any marked item within any manual.

      Previously, when creating a link to an Info manual node, Hyperbole would
      ignore cross-references and menu items and just link directly to the node
      rather than anything it referenced.  To get that behavior now, simply
      link to a place in the node that does not reference another place.

    - Link Button Creation: Hyperbole now shows you what you linked to at
      global or explicit link button creation time.  Previously, it showed you
      only the type of the link.  So if you drag across windows from a button
      label to an Info index item now, you will know that the link goes to the
      index item entry and not to the index node containing the item reference.

    - New Implicit Button Type, pathname-line-and-column: A whitespace or quote
      delimited existing pathname followed by a :line-num and an optional
      :column-num displays the path at line-num and column-num.  So
      "~/.emacs:10:40" shows your Emacs initialization file at line 10 and
      column 40. The column number is optional.

    - GNU Info Manual Key Sequences: Previously, Hyperbole recognized key
      sequences delimited by curly braces only, {}.  Now it recognizes the
      quotation marks used in GNU Info manuals as well and can execute them
      with an Action Key press within Info buffers.

    - Imenu Item Recognition: When the Emacs imenu library is in use and an
      identifier menu has been generated for the current buffer, an Action Key
      press on an identifier at point jumps to the identifier definition
      within the current buffer; an Assist Key press prompts with completion
      for an identifier defined within the buffer and then jumps to its


    - Smart Key Debugging: Added a section, "(hyperbole)Smart Key Debugging",
      to the Hyperbole Manual, documenting the usage of the Customize Menu
      option, Toggle-Smart-Key-Debug (minibuffer menu Cust/Debug-Toggle,
      {C-h h c d}).


    - Toggle Hyperbole Keys: The new command, {M-x hyperbole-toggle-bindings
      RET}, toggles Hyperbole mouse and keyboard keys off and on.  This is not
      bound to a key because it will make Hyperbole unusable until the keys are
      re-established with another toggle.  This forces you to know what you are
      doing before you utilize this feature.


    - Minibuffer Keyboard Direct Selection:  You have always been able to click
      with your mouse on a minibuffer menu item to directly select it.  Now
      Hyperbole has the keys {TAB} or {M-f} to move to the next menu item and
      {Shift-TAB}, {M-TAB} or {M-b} to move to the previous item, with each
      cycling back when it reaches the end or beginning of the menu.  The
      fastest way to select minibuffer menu items from the keyboard remains
      typing the first letter (case-insensitive) of the menu item.

    - Minibuffer Menu Navigation Changes: A press of {RET} with point at the
      end of a menu, quits from the menu.  {RET} with point in a menu prefix
      (before the '>' character), returns to the top-level Hyperbole menu.
      Clicks of the Action Mouse Key do the same thing, so now you can
      navigate and quit from menus with just the Action Mouse Key.

*   Package Installation

By far, the simplest and quickest way to obtain and to install Hyperbole is
to use the Emacs Package Manager.  If you are not familiar with it, see the
Packages section of the GNU Emacs Manual, "(emacs)Packages".

If you have Hyperbole 5.10 or higher already installed and simply want to
upgrade it, invoke the Emacs Package Manager with {M-x list-packages RET},
then use the {U} followed by the {x} key to upgrade all out-of-date
packages, Hyperbole among them.  Then skip the next section and move on to

Otherwise, to download and install the Hyperbole package, add the following
lines to your personal Emacs initialization file, typically "~/.emacs".

(require 'package)
(setq package-check-signature nil
      package-enable-at-startup nil) ;; Prevent double loading of libraries
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("RSW-Packages" .
"http://www.plasmas.biz/rswe/";) t)
(unless (package-installed-p 'hyperbole)
  (package-install 'hyperbole))
(require 'hyperbole)

Then restart Emacs and if no errors occur, the latest version of Hyperbole
will be downloaded, installed and available for use.

Skip the next section and move on to Invocation.

*    Invocation

Once Hyperbole has been installed for use at your site and loaded into your
Emacs session, it is ready for use.  You will see a Hyperbole menu on your
menubar and {C-h h} will display a Hyperbole menu in the minibuffer for
quick keyboard-based selection.

You can invoke Hyperbole commands in one of three ways:

   use the Hyperbole menu on your menubar;

   type {C-h h} or {M-x hyperbole RET} to bring up the Hyperbole main menu
   in the minibuffer window, for fast keyboard or mouse-based selection;
   select an item from this menu by typing the item's first letter; use {q}
   to quit from the menu.

   use a specific Hyperbole command such as an Action Key click {M-RET} on
   a pathname to display the associated file or directory.

Use {C-h h d d} for an interactive demonstration of standard Hyperbole
button capabilities.

{C-h h k e} offers a interactive demonstration of the Koutliner,
Hyperbole's multi-level autonumbered hypertextual outliner.

To try out HyControl, Hyperbole's interactive frame and window control
system, use {C-h h s w} for window control or {C-h h s f} for frame
control.  {t} switches between window and frame control once in one of

The above are the best interactive ways to learn about Hyperbole.  The
Hyperbole Manual is a reference manual, not a simple introduction.  It is
included in the "man/" subdirectory of the Hyperbole package directory in
four forms:

"man/hyperbole.info"   - online Info browser version
"man/hyperbole.html"   - web HTML version
"man/hyperbole.pdf"    - printable version
"man/hyperbole.texi"   - source form

The Hyperbole package installation places the Info version of this manual
where needed and adds an entry for Hyperbole into the Info directory under
the Emacs category.  {C-h h d i} will let you browse the manual.  For web
browsing, point your browser at "${hyperb:dir}/man/hyperbole.html",
wherever the Hyperbole package directory is on your system; often this is:

-- The End --

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