running Octave 6.2, Windows 10
Have this code:
figure (1);
clf reset;
semilogy(concs, DPX_DR_exog,'k-','LineWidth',2)
xlim([0 7.5])
ylim([1.e-6 1.0])
hold on
xlabel('ppm formaldehyde')
ylabel('DPX/DG adducts (pmol/mm^3)')
set(0, "defaulttextfontname", "Helvetica")
set(gca, "linewidth", 2, "fontsize", 18)
print "-dtiff" "-r600" "Dosimetry_fig_4"
I think the print command in the last line should create a tiff file with 600 dpi resolution. The fiff file is created OK, but it has 96 dpi resolution, when I check it's properties tag. The file size does increase when I increase the -rNUM parameter, but the dpi stays at 96.
Your guidance will be appreciated!
- Rory