Hello everyone,
Our cluster recently updated octave from 4.0 to 4.2. I updated all the installed packages in my home folder using "pgk update" then recompiled all *.cpp files to use within octave using mex
But my code would not work. Looked like it still used the old links. How can I update these? Error logs are below
warning: function /home/user1/octave/multicore-0.2.15/gethostname.m shadows a built-in function
warning: called from
load_packages_and_dependencies at line 47 column 5
load_packages at line 60 column 3
pkg at line 422 column 7
/share/apps/octave-4.0.0/share/octave/4.0.0/m/startup/octaverc at line 20 column 1
error: bobyqa.mex: failed to load: liboctinterp.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
$ ls /share/apps/octave-4.2.0/lib/octave/4.2.0
liboctave.la liboctave.so.4
liboctgui.la liboctgui.so.2
liboctinterp.la liboctinterp.so.4 oct
liboctave.so liboctave.so.4.0.0 liboctgui.so liboctgui.so.2.0.0 liboctinterp.so liboctinterp.so.4.0.0 site
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!