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RE: Making a 3D graph with highlighted area

From: Damian Harty
Subject: RE: Making a 3D graph with highlighted area
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 10:19:09 +0000

Ø  I’m trying to make a 3D graph of y=1+x^3, highlighting the

      area under the function curve where x is between 1 and 2.


      Is this possible?


This is a pretty interesting question. I can reproduce the surface from the example but I think what you are interested in is effectively a bifurcated surface. I can imagine making “cliff sides” to the surface:


x=[-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2           2.99    3 4       4.01       5];


z=[-2.01 -2 -1 0 1 2 2.01]










But where I struggle is to add the vertical sides, like this:



..since this looks like a bifurcated (branched) surface and I don’t think surf handles that. Although maybe it just needs a bit more imagination and the same sort of non-linear spacing of data in the other directions, too?


Right, tea break’s over. Back on your heads.




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