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Octave Forge MPI package on Sungrid cluster

From: Timo
Subject: Octave Forge MPI package on Sungrid cluster
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 15:00:09 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.4.0

Hello out there,

I am trying to use Octave MPI functionalities for some parallel
computations. I have my codes running on my desktop PC (Ubuntu 13.10,
Open MPI version 1.4.5, Octave 3.6.4 and openmpi_ext 1.1.0).

Now I got the kind system administrator of a Sungrid cluster that I have
access to to install the MPI package and Octave on the cluster (Open MPI
1.6.5, Octave 3.8.1, openmpi_ext  1.2.0).

Somehow, I do not get my codes running on the cluster. I tried the
"helloworld.m" that comes with the mpi package of Octave. On my PC is
works perfect, returning me the expected output from all processes
"Greetings from process: X!". On the cluster I do not get any output,
also no error message.

Doing some debugging, I figured out that every process I call has node=0
as a return from "MPI_Comm_rank()". The rank should of course be zero
only for the master call. So the program executes fine, but never enters
my slave tasks that are defined for nodes unequal zero...

I do not know how to debug further, also checking from google did not
bring me anywhere.
Any suggestions?? Is there people out there using the MPI extension on
grip computers??

Thanks in advance

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