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RE: Segmentation fault when compiling octave

From: Feuerbacher, Alan
Subject: RE: Segmentation fault when compiling octave
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 12:39:02 +0000

Jordi wrote:

> > I don't understand. Do exactly what with fltk?
> Use fltk instead of gnuplot, do "graphics_toolkfit fltk" before
> attempting the surf demo. Try other demos, try to invert a large
> matrix, paste one of your Octave scripts into this instance running
> under gdb, try to make it crash...

Ok, the problem went away after I installed Mesa-8.0.4 along with a big pile of 

However, now I get an error when I try to plot something. That's true whether I 
use Octave compiled with or without opengl. With either version I get exactly 
the same error. Whether I do something simple like


or more demanding like

demo surf

I get this error:

octave:1> demo surf
surf example 1:
 [~,~,Z] = peaks;
 surf (Z);

gnuplot> set obj 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 behind fc rgb 
         line 0: valid set options:  [] = choose one, {} means optional

        'angles', 'arrow', 'autoscale', 'bars', 'border', 'boxwidth',
        'clabel', 'clip', 'cntrparam', 'colorbox', 'contour', 'decimalsign',
        'dgrid3d', 'dummy', 'encoding', 'fit', 'format', 'grid',
        'hidden3d', 'historysize', 'isosamples', 'key', 'label', 'locale',
        'logscale', '[blrt]margin', 'mapping', 'mouse', 'multiplot',
        'offsets', 'origin', 'output', 'palette', 'parametric', 'pm3d',
        'pointsize', 'polar', 'print', '[rtuv]range', 'samples', 'size',
        'style', 'surface', 'terminal', tics', 'ticscale', 'ticslevel',
        'timestamp', 'timefmt', 'title', 'view', '[xyz]{2}data',
        '[xyz]{2}label', '[xyz]{2}range', '{no}{m}[xyz]{2}tics',
        '[xyz]{2}[md]tics', '{[xyz]{2}}zeroaxis', 'zero'

         line 0: undefined variable: linecolor

gnuplot> if (exists("GPVAL_TERM")) print GPVAL_TERM; else print NaN
         line 0: invalid expression 

error: Invalid call to strcat.  Correct usage is:

 -- Function File:  strcat (S1, S2, ...)
error: called from:
/home/afbacher/GCC/Octave/exp38/octave-3.6.3/scripts/help/print_usage.m at line 
87, column 5
error:   /home/afbacher/GCC/Octave/exp38/octave-3.6.3/scripts/strings/strcat.m 
at line 92, column 5
 at line 113, column 11
 at line 40, column 18
 at line 167, column 19
at line 86, column 5
error: input: reading user-input failed!
error:   /home/afbacher/GCC/Octave/exp38/octave-3.6.3/scripts/testfun/demo.m at 
line 119, column 7
octave:1> quit

Any clue what's going on?

In the past few weeks I've successfully compiled octave without opengl and 
plotting worked just fine. Would it do any good to post the old and latest 
configure statements?


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