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Re: octave to (la)tex conversion

From: Laurent Hoeltgen
Subject: Re: octave to (la)tex conversion
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2012 19:30:11 +0200
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On 02/10/12 17:26, Leo Butler wrote:
Carnë Draug <address@hidden> writes:

On 2 October 2012 01:01, Leo Butler <address@hidden> wrote:
Maxima has the function 'tex' that lets one transform an object in
Maxima to a string of tex code. This is quite useful: an emacs mode
(imaxima) uses this to create a front end that looks really
professional; plus, with mathjax, it can be rolled into a nice web-based

Is there anything similar in Octave?

What I have in mind is the following application: I am writing course
notes that have a lot of numerical examples in them. With \write18, I
can put these inside a LaTeX file and have Octave do the computations. I
would like to have Octave run a hook before quitting to dump all of the
user-defined variables into a tex file as tex macros. It doesn't need to
be fancy, something like

x=1:2; ==>

IPC on the cheap, if you like. It seems like someone might have already
written something like this.

Look in the miscellaneous packages in the function `publish'. It
should do what you want though I'm not sure if free of bugs. You find
any, please fix it and send us patches.

There's also a very nice textable function that hasn't been released
yet (also from miscellaneous package). Check it out at

Carnë, Juan, thanks for the replies.

I am not interested in type-setting octave code in latex, there are a
few ways to do that. The reference to maxima was because maxima makes it easy
to customize the tex output via texput.

Nor am I really interested in the approach taken by textable or
publish. What I want is a way to export 'stuff' from octave to tex that
preserves as much structure as possible. I want tex to do the
typesetting and octave to do the calculations.

 From your responses, I infer that there is not a readily available way
to do this. So, I scratched something together to illustrate what I
want. Here is a snippet (apologies for the apalling code):

| octave> x=rand(1,3)
| x =
|    0.40866   0.24822   0.95185
| octave> texit(x,"x")
| ans = 

In tex, the vector components are accessed by \x(1), etc.
To typeset \x as a vector just requires a simple tex macro to loop
over all the entries in \x.

(All code is released under gplv3; varargin is there to provide customizations):

function s = texit(object,name,varargin)
   if            isscalar(object),       s=texit_scalar(object,name,varargin);
   elseif        isvector(object),       s=texit_vector(object,name,varargin);
   elseif        ismatrix(object),       s=texit_matrix(object,name,varargin);

function s=texit_scalar(object,name,varargin)

function s=texit_vector(x,name,varargin)
   for i=1:n

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if you are an emacs user, you can achieve something similar using org-mode and the corresponding babel functionality. Basically you write the notes as an org file (the syntax is similar to markdown) and insert source blocks inbetween the notes. Once you are finished you export the whole thing to pdf (org-mode uses latex for this) and during the export, the source blocks are evaluated and replaced with their corresponding results. They support pretty much every popular programming language (ruby, python, lisp, octave, gnuplot, R, bash, ...) I use org-mode quite a lot, but so far I haven't had a look at the babel functionality, therefore, I can't tell you how good the results look. More information here:


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