On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 1:50 PM, injoi
<address@hidden> wrote:
I will be doing some fft and well as some call outs to refprop (which I
have to figure out on how that will work). Also some curve fitting in
which I would like to not hard code the 2th order spline for my
data...do you happen to know when the next version is due?
I am using windows so I will give the Spanish version a try.
I am having a hard time understanding the way the terminal works. How to
I change my folder paths so I can run a program in somewhere other than
I am very knew to all this, thanks for your help.
you move around the filesystem using typical dos/unix commands:
cd or chdir is the change directory command. you type the name of the directory (a.k.a. folder) you want to change to. i.e.,:
cd c:\temp
cd .. (back up one folder or directory)
cd (cd by itself will return you to your home folder)
pwd will tell you your current working directory
ls or dir will list the contents of the current directory.