On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Martin Vogel <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear all,
sorry, if this has been asked and answered before:
I have some MATLAB/Octave code that others might find useful (I think), so
publishing on MEX is an option. Yet, I do not want that step preventing me
from re-releasing my code to, e.g., Agora, under the (L)GPL. As it is my
code, my understanding is that I can release it twice to different places,
under different licenses, right?
Any opinions on this?
Many thanks
Help-octave mailing list
The usual disclaimer runs like: I ma not a lawyer but ...
If you are still the copyright holder. that is you have NOT given up
your ownership, then you ca re-release the code under any license you
want.... is still yours!