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Re: scaling issues with saved plots

From: George Barrick
Subject: Re: scaling issues with saved plots
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:47:23 -0400

%%  Subj: Re: scaling issues with saved plots
%%                                            2012.06.10.14:35:52 UT
%%  Hi Ron (and others),
%%     Following is my response to Bob's (yech) suggestion:
%%  "play with the axis scaling until it looks right instead of using
%%  axis square".
%%     I must concede that these techniques are ones that (mostly)
%%  only a mathematician can love, but they get the job done.  I've
%%  developed this approach beginning with some years doing Matlab
%%  plots, followed by some more years adapting myself to the
%%  GNU Octave plotting environment that uses Gnuplot.  This slavish
%%  attention to detail gets me a plot that is scaled precisely as
%%  I want it.  When I present stuff to students, they typically
%%  grab for _any_ excuse to misunderstand what I say, and so my plots
%%  need to be impeccably correct.
%%     Please freely take what you need, and discard the rest.  I believe
%%  that, because my discussions are already commented-out, you can just
%%  save this message as a .m file, and then run it in the GNU Octave
%%  interpreter to get a nice _circular_ circle.  My name for this file
%%  has been egcrcle.m.
%%  George                                   g_barrick_at_walsh_dot_edu 

%%  Set up graphing parameters.
%%  Set vectors which state window position and size.  Keep in mind that
%%  none of these settings is actually active when I declare them.  The
%%  settings become the ones used by GNU Octave only when I use them in
%%  calls to the graphics functions figure() and axes().

%%  NOTE: Most situations that I work with (UNIX, Linux and CygWin-X) take
%%    the following dimensions to be hundredths of an inch on 8.5"x11" paper.

%%  Main plot

winXst     =  288 ;
winYst     =  320 ;
winWdt     =  576 ;
winHgt     =  416 ;

winPos  = [ winXst winYst winWdt winHgt ] ;

%%  All locations are stated relative to the window position, and so I
%%  will use window width and height as denominators.

win    = [ winWdt winHgt winWdt winHgt ] ;

%%  Set the vector which gives area inside the window where axes will be
%%  drawn.

plotWdt     =   500     ;
plotHgt     =   375     ;
plotXst     =    36     ;
plotYst     =    25     ;

plotPos     =  [ plotXst plotYst plotWdt plotHgt ] ./ win ;

%%  Set limits for the axes.

xlims    =      [ -2.500,  2.500  ]     ;
ylims    =      [ -1.750,  1.750  ]     ;

%%  The graphics functions figure() and axes() are called using the settings
%%  I have written up.  I use "hdle" or "mdle" as the graphics handle for
%%  the figure window.

mdle = figure()                 ;
set( mdle,"position",winPos )   ;

%% Spawn axes first, then re-configure them.
qdle = axes() ;
set( qdle,"position",plotPos )                  ;
set( qdle,"xlim",xlims,"ylim",ylims )           ;

%%  Create the axis box, tics and labels.

%% The DataAspectRatio setting now seems to working as it should
%%   in GNU Octave 3.4.2 and 3.6.2.  This setting is required in
%%   order to get a plot that is scaled as per the window settings
%%   that I have declared previous to this line.  Also, the
%%   description in the GNU Octave 3.4.2 manual is a bit inaccurate.
%%   The manual indicates that the property value should be a
%%   two-vector, but the octave interpreter always squawks, and
%%   insists that I provide a three-vector for this value.
set( qdle,"dataaspectratio",[ 1, 1, 1 ] )       ;
set( qdle,"nextplot","add","visible","on" )     ;

set( qdle, "xtick",    [ -1.5, 0.0, 1.5 ] )      ;
set( qdle, "xticklabel", "-1.5|0.0|1.5" )        ;

set( qdle, "ytick",    [ -1.5, 0.0, 1.5 ] )      ;
set( qdle, "yticklabel", "-1.5|0.0|1.5" )        ;

%%  Create the graph.

%% Basic parameter required to create the plot.
%%   A circle having this radius is the goal of this
%%   plotting routine.
rval  = 1.250                     ;

%% Print a text label for the value or r.
strng = [ "r = ", sprintf("%6.3f\n", rval ) ] ;
posn  = [ 1.020, -0.840 ]                     ;

hu    = text(posn(1),posn(2),strng,"fontsize",16 );

%% difference between entries of t-value array
delta = rval / 40.0                      ;

%% Array of t-values used to generate x-values and
%%   y-values.

tvals = [ -1.0*rval : delta : 3.0*rval ] ;

%% Auxilliary arrays of values (same length as tvals) that
%%   constitute fragments of expressions that define the
%%   x-array and the y-array.  Note that I'm using a slightly
%%   wierd parametrization for this circle due to the fact
%%   that it is an example intended to teach students about
%%   parametrized curves:
%%     x = r - abs( t - r )
%%     y = sgn( t - r ) *
%%         sqrt( abs( t -r ) * ( 2*r - abs( t - r ) ) )

tones = ones( size( tvals ) )       ;
rones = rval * tones                ;
avals = abs( tvals - rones )        ;

xvals = rones - avals               ;

sgnms = sign( tvals - rones )       ;

yvals = sgnms .* sqrt( avals .* ( 2.0*rones - avals ) ) ;

%%  Actually generate the plot on the axes.
n1    = plot( xvals, yvals, "k-" );
set(n1,"linewidth",2) ;

%% Create array of handles.  Most folks feel that this is
%% a useless exercise in programmer's bookkeeping.
hndle = [ mdle; qdle; hu; n1 ] ;

%% standard printing size is -r150.  NO!  Standard printing size
%%   is _not_ (any longer) -r150.  It is -r72.  The -r72 comes
%%   close to scaling that I gave to original figure().
%% print -dsvg egcrcle.svg;
%% print(mdle,"egcrcle.png","-dpng","-S576,416");
%% print(mdle,"egcrcle.svg","-dsvg","-S576,416");

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