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Re: package installation Octave

From: Benjamin Lindner
Subject: Re: package installation Octave
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 18:40:35 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090605)

Erik Brezet wrote:
I can't seem to get any packages (tar.gz) installed on Octave in
windows. Packages like: RODBC, xlsreadwrite, ga ..
Octave gives: error COPYING file missing or other errors.
I've got the mingw32 installer for windows.


Well, not all available forge packages can be successfully built for the mingw32 build.

Please provide some more information. Which version of octave do you have installed? Which version of the package do you try to install? Can you post the commands you executed and octave's error response?

With the 3.2.2 mingw32 installer I can for example install ga-0.9.7 without errors.


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