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OpenSolaris update

From: Jim Langston
Subject: OpenSolaris update
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 11:23:27 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090323)

Hi all,

I have gotten Octave 3.0.5 to go through the process of
being accepted by OpenSolaris and it has gone through
the voting process, I'm waiting for it to move from /pending
to /contrib. I have been experimenting with 3.2.2, but it does
not compile with the latest version of gcc that comes with
OpenSolaris (I'm trying to figure out what the problem is).

On a second note:

Will any Octave engineers be at SuperComputing09 ?? Any booth
activity ??




Jim Langston
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

(513) 702-4741 (Cell)
(877) 854-5583 (AccessLine)
AIM: jl9594

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