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Re: Install packages in Mac OS X

From: Thomas Treichl
Subject: Re: Install packages in Mac OS X
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 20:15:50 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20090812)

Vic Norton schrieb:
I don't have Snow Leopard yet, but you might try this. It works for me.
    1) Download " for Mac OS X" from
    2) Drop the Octave application into your Applications folder.
    3) To be able to use the shebang line
       in your scripts, do
          $ sudo ln -s \
            /Applications/ \
       in Terminal.



On Sep 8, 2009, at 8:28 PM, Xin Dong wrote:

Has anyone successfully installed octave-forge packages with snow
leopard and octave 3.2.2? I tried to install image-1.0.10.tar.gz, but
Hi Vic, hi Xin,

I think the problem is a bit more complex. Apple has changed some more things from Leopard to Snow Leopard and with Snow Leopard everything that has to do with Octave's mkoctfile is broken now (ie. installing packages, the 'mkoctfile' command itself, the command 'mex', and so on) - in detail: Snow Leopard's linker does not accept my 10.4 build libraries anymore and that's why linking against my binaries completely fails. I've already commented on a similar problem here

Just because of my own interest - what is the current GCC version from Snow Leopard's XCode tools? Is there at least a gfortran available?
Best regards


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