Hi, Thomas.
I installed your Gnuplot.app in my Applications folder and set the
following symlink:
sudo ln -sfv /Applications/Gnuplot.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnuplot
In gnuplot, I find that
gnuplot> system ('which gnuplot')
so I think it all looks OK. I also tried to print a PNG and that
worked: yea! :-)
The only difference I see immediately between using Gnuplot.app and the
gnuplot I had complied from source (besides now being able to print a
PNG) is that the redrawing in Gnuplot.app seems to be slower, so that
the following, which produced a pretty smooth animation in gnuplot,
produces a somewhat jerky animation in Gnuplot.app:
lT = length (T) - 1;
N = 10; % number of time intervals (frames) to plot (must have N
<= lT)
if (N > lT)
error ('N > lT; need N <= lT');
time = ones (1, N);
time(2:N+1) = floor ((lT/N)*(1:N)) + 1;
for j = 1:N+1 % for "ode45"
plot (x, u(:,time(j)));
title (strcat ('time =', num2str ((tf-t0)*(time(j) - 1)/lT)));
% axis ([0 2*pi -1.5 1.5]);
axis([0 2*pi 2*min(real(u0)) 2*max(real(u0))]);
I'm not sure why.
Btw, while I was at it, I also upgraded Octave to 3.2.0.
Thanks for making this all very simple.