I tried installing jhandles on debian:
I use octave 3.0.5 sun-java-1.6, sun-java6-jdk,
I also installed libjogl-java (the debian name for jogl).
According to this thread
I needed to export my java home: so I did
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/client/
that's where libjvm.so is installed in debian.
next I started octave and did:
pkg install -verbose jhandles-0.3.5.tar.gz
at the bottom of the message is:
octave-forge is configured with
octave: octave (version 3.0.5)
mkoctfile: mkoctfile for Octave 5
java: Java Development Kit not found
So it fails. I'll be happy to hear some ideas how to continue from here.
Also I can't run java at all probably because:
octave:1> l = java_new ('java.util.LinkedList')
error: `java_new' undefined near line 1 column 5
error: evaluating assignment _expression_ near line 1, column 3
Will be happy to solve this...
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