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Solving large matrix equations

From: Martin Heller
Subject: Solving large matrix equations
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 09:55:57 +0200

I am new to Octave and am trying to write a function for differentiating 
data based on this paper:

My attempt is shown below and it seems to work but my data sets contain
10000-15000 points which is too much for Octave to handle when solving
the problem using my simple minded approch.

I was wondering if there is a standard way to solve large matrix problems in
Octave that I could take advantage of? At the moment I just feed smaller
chunks of data to my function and this gets the job done.

% test of chartrand_diff
x = 0:0.01:1;
y = abs(x-0.5)+0.05*rand(size(x));
[dx,dy,ys] = chartrand_diff(x,y,0.00025);

% chartrand_diff.m
function [dx,u,fs] = chartrand_diff(x,f,alpha,varargin),
# [dx,u,fs] = chartrand_diff(x,f,alpha,['tol',TOL,'maxstep',MAXSTEP])
# Computes the derivative and the smoothed data values based on
# Rick Chartrand, "Numerical differentiation of noisy, nonsmooth data".
# Input:
# x = equally spaced parameter values
# f = equally spaced function values. Must have same length as x.
# alpha = variance of noice of f.
# TOL = convergence crterium (default: 1e-3)
# MAXSTEP = max number of iterations (default: 20)
# Output:
# u = derivative
# dx = x-values for derivative
# fs = smoothed function values

# Default values
max_step = 20;
tol = 1e-3;

# Parse input
if (nargin > 3)
 for i = 1:nargin-3
  arg = varargin{i};
  if ischar(arg)
   switch arg
    case "maxstep"
     max_step = varargin{i+1};
    case "tol"
     tol = varargin{i+1};
     printf("Option '%s' is not implemented;\n", arg)

 # Make sure x and y are column vectors
 x = x(:);
 f = f(:);

 if (~size_equal(x,f))
  error('x and y must have the same length');
 N = length(f);

 % make f(1) = 0;
 f0 = f(1);
 f = f - f0;

 % x spacing
 h = x(2) - x(1);
 dx = x(1:end-1)+h/2;
 u = diff(f)/h;
 s = zeros(size(u));

 % Differentiation with mid-point rule
 D = diff(speye(N-1),1)./h;
 Dhat = D.';

 % Integration matrix
 K = (tril(ones(N,N-1),-1)+tril(ones(N,N-1),-2))*h/2;
 Khat = K.';
 KK = Khat*K;

 step = 0;
 while (step<max_step),


  E = spdiag(1./sqrt((u(2:end)-u(1:end-1)).^2+eps));

  %L = h*D'*E*D;
  L = h*Dhat*E*D;

  H = KK+alpha*L;

  %g = K'*(K*u-f)+alpha*L*u;
  g = KK*u-Khat*f+alpha*L*u;

  % solve directly
  % s = H\(-g);

  % solve with LU-factorization
  %[LL,U,P] = lu(H); %
  %s = U \ (LL \ (P*(-g))); % a forward and a backward substitution

  % solve with Cholesky factorisation
  [R,p] = chol(H);
  s = R \ (R' \ (-g)); % a forward and a backward substitution

  % Solve with conjungated gradients method (iterative)
  % conjgrad is found at
  % s = conjgrad(H,-g,s)

  % Solve iteratively
  %s = pcg(H,-g);

  u = u + s;
  conv_criterium = norm(s);
  if (conv_criterium<tol),


 # Compute the smoothed data
 fs = f0 + K*u;


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