On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Jim Maas <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi All,
The other day I asked if anyone had any publicly available scripts that
would demonstrate solving ode's related to michaelis-menten type kinetic
equations in biology. I found a script for Matlab. Is there a
converter anywhere that would convert the Matlab.m file to an octave.m
file? I've tried running what I found and it gives errors. Anyone game
to help a poor biologist!? The scripts are small and once I get a
template I'm away.
Jim Maas
Octave has almost the same syntax as Matlab [1], so usually there is
no need for conversion (so I don't think there is an automatic
conversion utility), but there may be functions which are implemented
in Matlab but not in Octave. If you need to solve ODE's, Octave has
"lsode" solver (which is not Matlab-compatible). However, there are
also Matlab-compatible solvers (ode45,...) available in separate
package from Octave-Forge [2], do you have them installed? If that
doesn't help you, you can post specific code and errors you get to
mailing list (without them, it's impossible to give better advice).
[1] http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/FAQ.html#MATLAB-compatibility
[2] http://octave.sourceforge.net/odepkg/index.html
Ivan Sutoris
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