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Re: FITS format files

From: jfc
Subject: Re: FITS format files
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 23:31:14 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Laura Richter <llrichter <at>> writes:
> I would like to be able to read FITS (Flexible Image Transport System)
> format files into octave.

Hi Laura,

you will find public domain code lying around the web to do just this if
you google for FITS+Matlab.  I have found that these m.files need serious
editing to work in octave, though.  I gave up up trying to use them (also
because they implement only the most basic features of FITS) and went
another route: write oct files which wrap around the cfitsio library.

If you want to go this way, you need to install the cfitsio
library available from NASA at
and then "mkoctfile" an oct file.  I append below the code
to read images from a fits file. 

By the way: this is naive code, mostly resulting from trial-and-error.
Comments from C++ litterati would be welcome.

Cheers, JF.

========= beginning of code  ==============
#include <octave/oct.h>

extern "C" { 
#include "fitsio.h"

  read a "standard" (?) image from hdu 1 of a fits file
  Author: JF Cardoso, nov 2006.

  TODO:  We are duplicating the data, aren't we ? 
         We should clarify this octave_value thing...


DEFUN_DLD (read_fits_image, args, , \
" matrix = read_fits_image (fits_file_name) reads an image from hdu1.\n.")

{ octave_value fitsimage ;
  if ( args.length() !=  1 ) { 
     error("Needs a single argument: a file name\n");
     return fitsimage = -1 ; }

  // args(0) = file name
  if ( !args(0).is_string() ) 
     { error("Error: argument is not string type");
       return fitsimage = -1 ;  }
  std::string infile = args(0).string_value ();

  /* Initializations */
  int status = 0;
  fitsfile *fptr;

  /* Open FITS file and position to first HDU containing an image*/
  if ( fits_open_image(&fptr, infile.c_str(), READONLY, &status) ) 
      fprintf(stderr, "%s (line %d): File %s not found or image not found!\n",
              __FILE__, __LINE__, infile.c_str() );     
      fits_report_error(stderr, status);
      return fitsimage = -1 ;  
  int  naxis ; // Number of dimensions, should be 2
  long naxes [2] ;
  int maxdim = 2 ; // ????
  int bitpix ;
  if ( fits_get_img_param(fptr, maxdim, &bitpix, &naxis, naxes, &status) )
 "%s (line %d): Problem reading information about current HDU from file %s\n",
              __FILE__, __LINE__, infile.c_str() );     
      fits_report_error(stderr, status);
      return fitsimage = -1 ;  
  if ( naxis != 2) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Are you insane?  We expect an image here.\n");
      return fitsimage = -1 ;  

  long xsize = naxes[0] ;
  long ysize = naxes[1] ;
  long npix = xsize * ysize ;

  /* Read the array */    
  Matrix mapvec(xsize, ysize ); 
  double *map = mapvec.fortran_vec() ;

  long fpixel[2] ;
  fpixel[0] = 1 ;  // To start at
  fpixel[1] = 1 ;  // first pixel

  int  anynul;
  if ( fits_read_pix
        TDOUBLE,  // This is the type of the C array to be filled,
                   // NOT the type of the FITS table
        fpixel,   // indices of the first pixels to read in each dimension
        npix,     // number of pixels
        NULL,     // should be the POINTER to the null value. 
                  // If NULL, no checks are made (am I understanding myself?)
        &status ) ) 
      fprintf(stderr, "%s (line %d): Cannot read image %i.\n", 
     __LINE__ ); 
      fits_report_error(stderr, status);
      return fitsimage = -1 ; 
  fprintf(stderr, "Done reading \n");
  if ( fits_close_file(fptr, &status) ) {  /* Close the file */
"%s (line %d): Cannot close the FITS file!  This is really unexpected...\n",
  __FILE__, __LINE__ );     
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
    return fitsimage = -1 ;
  return fitsimage =  mapvec ; // What does this do exactly ???
========= end of code

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