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Re: Octave slow in Cygwin

From: Shai Ayal
Subject: Re: Octave slow in Cygwin
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 19:56:36 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird 2.0a1 (Windows/20060724)

For a Free (GPL) alternative to vmware which enables running octave perfectly (using e.g. debian or gentoo), I recommend coLinux, coupled with cygwin's x-server. It is very fast (I will try to post results here), and enables one to use a standard distro -- I use debian on coLinux so I have the latest and greatest octave 2.9.9 which I installed as a binary package with all dependencies taken care of.


James R. Phillips wrote:

----- Original Message ----
From: Ron Crummett <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 1:23:52 AM
Subject: Octave slow in Cygwin

Hi -

I run a dual-boot machine with XP and Ubuntu breezy. In both instances I run Octave 2.1.73; on Windows, under Cygwin. I have noticed that Octave runs a good bit slower under Cygwin than on Ubuntu. I have also noticed that when I install Octave in Ubuntu (using package repositories) that ATLAS is selected as a dependency; not so in Cygwin. Would this be part of the cause for Octave to run slower in Cygwin? And if so, what can I do to fix it? Thanks.

Help-octave mailing list


The speed difference is primarily due to a variety of inefficiencies in the 
cygwin dll and the cpp compiler libraries.

As far as atlas goes, it is part of the lapack source package.  The binary 
lapack package comes  with a generic (non-optimized) blas implementation.  If 
you look at /usr/share/doc/cygwin/lapack-3.0.README there is a little 
information there on how to build an optimized version of the blas by building 
atlas from source.  There are further instructions in the lapack source package.

My personal opinion is that a full linux install using vmware server is very 
competitive with cygwin in most ways, and this is now my perferred way to run 
octave under windows.  It runs most quickly using a windows x-server rather 
than the vmware console; the cygwin x-server works fine for this.

Jim Phillips

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