I've written a script for compile some *.oct functions and I've a little problem. The source code of the *.oct files are in a directory, the *.cc files of my particular libraries are in other directory, the include files are in other directory more and the *.oct compiled files will keep in a new directory. I've written the next loop:
for i in `ls $dirSrcOct`; do fichero=`echo $i | cut -d. -f1` mkoctfile -s -I$dirInclude -L. -lmyLib $dirSrcOct'/'$i -o ./$fichero.oct done
The working directory of the script is the directory thet will contain the *.oct exec files. My problem is that in the loop above, mkoctfile keeps the *.o files in the source code directory instead in the *.oct exec directory. Exist some option for keep the *.oct exec files in a particular directory?
-- ***************************************** José Luis García Pallero address@hidden (o< / / \ V_/_ Use Debian GNU/Linux and enjoy!
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mkoctfile and *.o files,
José Luis García Pallero<=