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Re: Fink broke my octave-forge

From: Joe Koski
Subject: Re: Fink broke my octave-forge
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 20:56:54 -0700
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

Further update on my problem. My octave-forge insists on installing into the


not the 2.1.50 equivalent. I tried removing the files (rm -r) and
reinstalling octave-forge, but it insists placing all octave-forge routines
in directories named 2.1.46.

Incidently, I just tried copying the necessary .m routines from octave-forge
into my local directory to get things moving. My 10000 point data analysis
went from less than three minutes to over an hour, at which point I killed
it. Is this a testimonial to trisolve.oct (which is still located at

Should I submit this to the fink bug list? Or is this just a side effect of
updating octave 2.1.50 from the unstable list?

Can I just change an environment variable to get things to work? How about a
line in a .octaverc file?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Joe Koski

on 2/16/04 12:20 PM, Joe Koski at address@hidden wrote:

> Because it had been a while, I did a "fink selfupdate" and a "fink
> update-all" on my Mac running OS X 10.2.8.
> Fink installed octave 2.1.50 (from unstable ?!) in place of my 2.1.46, but
> when I tried to run some octave scripts, octave couldn't find the
> octave-forge routine csape.m.
> I tried running "fink update octave-forge", but fink says all is OK, nothing
> needs to be done. I then tried "fink remove octave-forge" followed by "fink
> install octave-forge", but nothing was installed.
> I know this is really a fink question, but I think I'll probably get a
> better answer here on the octave list.
> Ideas anyone? Thanks.
> Joe Koski
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