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Re: mkoctfile programming guide

From: Roberto Hernandez
Subject: Re: mkoctfile programming guide
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 20:22:21 -0300

Check out this link:

I haven't looked into it, but it's about the mentioned topic.

On Saturday 25 August 2001 08:05 pm, A. Danial wrote:
> I'm trying to create a dynamically loaded function with mkoctfile.
> While the files in the src/DLD-FUNCTIONS have been a good starting
> point they don't cover all the things I want to do (or they're
> too difficult to understand).
> Right now I'm stuck on how I can get a string which contains
> the matrix name.  In matlab I'd use mxGetName().  I studied
> Paul Kienzle's mex compatibility package for octave and tried to
> figure out the octave equivalent, but has me utterly
> baffled (not hard since I don't know C++).  Paul's mex package
> works great on linux but I also need to run on AIX where dynamic
> loading doesn't work.  For the the IBM systems I've resorted to
> rebuilding octave with my .cc code statically linked in so the
> nifty mex package can't help me.
> Since I've not been able to find a guide for writing programs with
> mkoctfile (section 13.8 Dynamically Loaded Functions of the 2.1.34
> release is a start) I figured I should put down everything I know in
> both octave and matlab dynamically loaded functions and post it.
> Hopefully, with contributions from others, it will evolve
> into a guide, or maybe encourage a more knowledgeable person to put
> a guide together.     -- Al
> Some of the code segments below refer to a function which takes
> two matrix arguments and returns three args:
>     [a,b,c] = my_code(x,y)
> Gateway function
> ----------------
> octave: [code is in a file called]
>         DEFUN_DLD(my_code, args, nargout, "help info") {
>           octave_value_list retval;
>           [user code; assign values to retval(0) (=x), retval(1) (=y)]
>           return retval;
>         }
> matlab: [code is in a file called my_code.c]
>         void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs,
>                          const mxArray *prhs[]) {
>           [user code; assign values to plhs[0] (=x), plhs[1] (=y)]
>         }
> Number of input arguments
> -------------------------
> octave:  args.length()
> matlab:  nrhs
> Number of output arguments
> --------------------------
> octave:  nargout
> matlab:  nrls
> Test: is ith input argument a scalar?
> -------------------------------------
> octave:  args(i).is_scalar_type()
> matlab:  (mxGetN(prhs[i]) == 1) && (mxGetM(prhs[i]) == 1)
> Test: is ith input argument a string?
> -------------------------------------
> octave:  args(i).is_string()
> matlab:  mxIsChar(prhs[i])
> Test: is ith input argument a matrix of doubles?
> ---------------------------------------------
> octave:  args(i).is_matrix_type()
> matlab:  mxIsDouble(prhs[i])
> Test: is ith input argument a complex matrix?
> ---------------------------------------------
> octave:  args(i).is_complex_matrix()
> matlab:  mxIsComplex(prhs[i])
> Allocate a 4 row by 5 column real matrix for the first output argument
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> octave:  Matrix  out_args[2];  /* out_args[0] for x and out_args[1] for y
> */ out_args[0] = Matrix(4, 5);
> matlab:  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4, 5, mxREAL);
> Allocate a 6 row by 7 column complex matrix for the second output argument
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> octave:  out_args[1] = ComplexMatrix(6, 7);  /* if out_args declared
> earlier */ matlab:  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(6, 7, mxCOMPLEX);
> Number of rows in the ith input argument
> ----------------------------------------
> octave:  args(i).rows()
> matlab:  mxGetM(prhs[i])
> Number of columns in the ith input argument
> -------------------------------------------
> octave:  args(i).columns()
> matlab:  mxGetN(prhs[i])
> Fill the first output argument with data
> ----------------------------------------
> octave:  for (int c=0; c < nCols; c++)
>             for (int r=0; r < nRows; r++)
>                 out_args[0](r,c) = (double) r+c*nRows;
> matlab:  double *M;
>          M = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
>          for (int c=0; c < nCols; c++)
>             for (int r=0; r < nRows; r++)
>                 M[r+c*nRows] = (double) r+c*nRows;
> Fill the second output argument with complex data
> -------------------------------------------------
> octave:  for (int c=0; c < nCols; c++)
>             for (int r=0; r < nRows; r++)
>                 out_args[1](r,c) = Complex( (double) r+c*nRows, (double)
> 0.0); matlab:  double *Mr, *Mi;
>          Mr = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
>          Mi = mxGetPi(plhs[1]);
>          for (int c=0; c < nCols; c++)
>             for (int r=0; r < nRows; r++) {
>                 Mr[r+c*nRows] = (double) r+c*nRows;
>                 Mi[r+c*nRows] = (double) 0.0;
>             }
> Populate the return value at the end of the gateway function
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> octave:  for (int i = 0; i < nargout; i++) { retval(i) = out_args[i]; }
> matlab:  <not applicable>
> Generate an error message
> -------------------------
> octave:  error("there is a problem");
> matlab:  mexErrMsgTxt("there is a problem");
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Octave is freely available under the terms of the GNU GPL.
> Octave's home on the web:
> How to fund new projects:
> Subscription information:
> -------------------------------------------------------------

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