david barnes wrote:
Hi all,
I've been trying to add some symbols to titles
but so far not much joy...
I use lines like this:
gset key title ' {/Symbol b}/'
hoping for the title to include the beta symbol
what I'm *really* hoping for is a way
of creating lovely text like having a beta
followed by, say, subscript 1
I wanted something similar. I came to the conclusion that you can not
have symbols when in x11 mode. But, you can do it in postscript
enhanced mode. In the gnuplot manual they give an example:
set title '{/Symbol=18 address@hidden/=9.6 0}^{/=12 x}} \
{/Helvetica e^{-{/Symbol m}^2/2} d}{/Symbol m}'
The equivalent in Octave is:
gset title '{/Symbol=18 address@hidden/=9.6 0}^{/=12 x}} {/Helvetica
e^{-{/Symbol m}^2/2} d}{/Symbol b}'
The main difference is that every time you would need an escape
character \ to indicate an octal number use a \\ instead.
To do what you wanted beta_1 would look like this:
gset title "{/Symbol=24 b}_{1}"
This is not part of your question but may be useful:
I am a bit ingorant of what numbers correspond to what symbols. I
searched on the web and did not find a table. So, I ended up making a
script that sort of made a table. You first need to make some plot,
then run this script. In the codes.ps file you will find a different
plot for each symbol and octal code.
gset terminal postscript enhanced color
gset output "codes.ps"
for i = 0:7
for j = 0:7
for k = 0:7
cmd = sprintf("gset title \"%d%d%d -> \\\\%d%d%d <-\" font \
P.S. If there is a nice table on the web somwhere will you please point
it out to me. Thanks.