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From: David DS Barnes
Subject: load
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 21:19:15 +0000

Hi all,

I'm trying to load a file from within a function,
I know the file exists within a subdirectory,
and I have assigned a string 'wFile' as 'subdir/file'
when I put the line

        load wFile

in the function, I get the message:
        error: load: couldn't open input file `wFile' 

but if I repeat the command on the command line,
I can load it just fine

Can anyone help me here, since I really need to 
have this in a repeatable way...

Thanks in advance,
David DS Barnes
        mechanical eng,imperial college         |       t:0207 594 7181
        exhibition rd, london, sw7 2bx          |       f:0207 594 7127

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