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n-dimensional interpolation

From: David DS Barnes
Subject: n-dimensional interpolation
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 18:41:11 +0000

Hi all,

I searched help for 'interp1' etc,
but no joy...

I'm looking for at least a 2d spline interpolation routine,
but ideally a 4d routine:

        I have an array E of vectors [a, b, c, d], same size, same length
        where I want to get the values of [b, c]
        for constant lines of [d'] lying within the values of [d]
        on constant lines of [a'] lying within the values of [a]

as you can see, my powers of abstraction are weak here,
so be gentle -- I did try 8)

Thanks and immense gratitude in advance,
David DS Barnes
        mechanical eng,imperial college         |       t:0207 594 7181
        exhibition rd, london, sw7 2bx          |       f:0207 594 7127

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