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Re: nnet/save structs

From: Teemu Ikonen
Subject: Re: nnet/save structs
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 15:12:33 +0300 (EET DST)

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Daniel Heiserer wrote:

> Hmm. What is hdf5 file format?

> And what is the 'range datatype.

Range is what you get from:

octave:6> x = 1:0.1:10;
octave:7> whos x

*** local user variables:

prot  type                       rows   cols  name
====  ====                       ====   ====  ====
 rwd  range                         1     91  x

Ie. Octave is clever and doesn't create a vector with 91 elements but
stores only the relevant information (The numbers 1, 0.1 and 10). But if
you do:

octave:11> x(1) = 5;
octave:12> whos x

*** local user variables:

prot  type                       rows   cols  name
====  ====                       ====   ====  ====
 rwd  matrix                        1     91  x

The range type is automatically converted to a vector.

> Are there release or prerelease notes for the development version?
> e.g. can I ask octave on a webpage or somewhere between the
> DIFF of 2.0.?? and 2.1.xx according to functionality?

Some information is in the file NEWS in Octave CVS. Try:



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