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Re: Run an Octave script in the background?

From: Heber Farnsworth
Subject: Re: Run an Octave script in the background?
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 13:19:33 -0500

I also run Solaris and I use Bash as my shell.  The way to do what you
want is.

octave < run.m >& out.out &

I do this with jobs that I know will take several hours or days to
complete.  Usually I make "quit" the last command in the script.

Then I can look at out.out and see if there were any errors or
anything.  The >& redirects both standard output and standard error. 
Sometime I put something in the script that outputs something
periodically to let me know how far along the job is.  That ends up in
out.out and a simple "tail out.out" tells me how things are going.

Hope this helps,

Heber Farnsworth

James Yang wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote an Octave script, say run.m, and tried to run it in the
> background (my OS is UNIX Solaris) by
>         chmod +x run.m
>         run.m&
> But it showed
>         [2] 8331
>         [2]  + Suspended (tty output) run.m
> However, it worked well if I didn't put ampersand.
> Can anyone tell me what I did wrong and how to correct it? Thanks.
> James Yang
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