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Re: Running files from within octave

From: Hendrik Naumann
Subject: Re: Running files from within octave
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 13:53:18 +0200

On Fri, 07 Apr 2000, Martin Hicks wrote:
>Excuse this question, I assume it's in the archives, but I'm in a terrible
>How do I run files from within the octave interpreter. 
>I have a file that does plotting, so if I run
>octave file.m 
>it just flashes the graph to the screen but then when octave returns to
>the shell, the plots disappear.  I can't seem to figure out how to simply
>invoke octave and then run this file.

Just use an other plot device. 

gset term postscript eps 
gset output "test.eps"
gplot ....

and then view the output with a postscriptviewingtool like 

gv test.eps

Hendrik Naumann 

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