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Re: homepage

From: etienne grossmann
Subject: Re: homepage
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 14:50:54 +0000 (WET)


#       I got your mail on octave-sources, saw your page (really cool!),
#  and was wondering whether you are aware of the image processing toolbox
 This morning, I wasn't, now I am, and in Feb. 99, I was, since I
found a copy of your "1998-12-24-miscroutines.tgz" file. For some
reason, it slipped out of my memory, and I ended up re-writing some of
your functions.

#  *I* wrote.  You can find it at the archive of octave-source.
#  The latest version is from 24 December 1998.
#  I was talking with jwe about joining it to Octave release,
#  but I had to make a few changes there, and really had
                           What changes?

#  no time for it (so things were a little forgotten; my fault...).

#       If you find it useful, I'll be very glad if you could refer to it
#  on your web page.  People simply don't know it...
#  I could, of course, refer to it in my home page, but people just won't
                             That would be a good start :-)

#  see it.  It should all be in one place.

  I personally don't find it easy to locate things on octave-source.

  Question about your functions : how sure are you about the
correctness of pgm/ppm file input? a) You know it works because you
know the pgm/ppm specifications and wrote the functions from there, b)
You tried it on a may files coming from many different programs? My
pgm/ppm functions are rather artisanal b).



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