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help for f77

From: Daniel Heiserer
Subject: help for f77
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 15:32:27 +0200

I try find some timing function for f77:

1) Does anybody know how to call a timing functin which 
gives me the exact time in seconds.
2) I need something like a date function to return 
julian dates.

Again, I know C/C++, but I would need the stuff for 
f77. Is there something?
Who can help me?

Or is the only way to go via C and link it together
on binary basis?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
                                 Daniel Heiserer
Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Heiserer, BMW AG, Knorrstrasse 147, 80788 Muenchen
Abteilung EK-20
Tel.: 089-382-21187, Fax.: 089-382-42820

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