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Octave and GSL interface

From: Thomas Walter
Subject: Octave and GSL interface
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 17:29:28 +0200

Is anybody out there interested in acessing some functions from GSL

I have encoded and tested an interface to the random number generator
part of GSL.  This part of GSL seems to be stable.  The use of the GSL
default RNG -- it has a period ~2^19937 -- is much faster than the RNG
used in the fortran library with period ~2^31.

example using octave-2.0.14 as is:
tic;r=rand(100000,1);toc      ==>     ans = 0.84215

examples using octave-2.0.14 as is and GSL
tic;r=rng_rand(100000,1);toc  ==>     ans = 0.16287

Hints, help and suggestions are welcome.

Nice weekend

Der dauerhafte Zustand eines Luftballons.

Dipl. Phys. Thomas Walter
Inst. f. Physiklische Chemie II
Egerlandstr. 3                          Tel.: ++9131-85 27326 / 27330
91058 Erlangen, Germany                 email: address@hidden

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