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Re: Commercial use of Octave

From: Joao Cardoso
Subject: Re: Commercial use of Octave
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 18:26:25 +0000

John W. Eaton wrote:
> On  3-Dec-1998, Krzysztof Gozdziewski <address@hidden> wrote:
> | please explain me under which conditions is it possible
> | (if at all) to use octave or parts of it (for instance liboctave)
> | in a commercial project. I am not sure of my interpretation of GNU GPL.
> | To be more specific: suppose one wants to write a program and use
> | in it a library of octave. Are there conditions under which it is
> | possible to sell the executable without its source code?.
> If you produce a derived work based on GPL'd code, you must also make
> the source code to your application available under terms that satisfy
> the requirements of the GPL.

In the case of Octave does that mean that script (.m) files should also
be made available, or just the source code for .oct files?

If one produces an application with several components, should the
application development sources be made available as a whole?

Thanks for any answer. I don't want to hire a layer just to read the
GPL, as I never could read more than a couple paragraphs :-)

Joao Cardoso                |   e-mail: address@hidden
INESC, R. Jose Falcao 110   |   tel:    + 351 2 2094322
4050 Porto, Portugal        |   fax:    + 351 2 2008487

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