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This cant be right! Was String Manipulations

From: John L Daschbach
Subject: This cant be right! Was String Manipulations
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 1995 18:12:13 -0800 (PST)

John Utz wrote:

>HI again this is just too weird
>function fig ( functionname)
>% create the name of the file.
>prestring = strcat ( functionname, ".fig" )
>prefilenamestr = strcat ( """", prestring )
>filenamestr = strcat ( prefilenamestr, """" ) 
>OUTPUT: is this how this is supposed to work?
>octave:16> fig ("foo")
>prestring = foo.fig
>prefilenamestr = "foo.fig
>filenamestr = "foo.fig"

Here is how I do it, there may be others.
This is just an example.  Note the use of sprintf() and eval()

  #  Now set up the plot
  fbstring = sprintf("set nolabel");
  fblabelx = min(X) + 0.1 * (max(X) - min(X));
  fblabely = min(Y) + 0.8 * (max(Y) - min(Y));
  fbstring = sprintf("set label \"% .3f\" at %e, 

Hope this helps.


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