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Re: BAR not Matlab 4+ compatible

From: Ted Harding
Subject: Re: BAR not Matlab 4+ compatible
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 14:19:07 +0200 (BST)

> I had no idea.
> Matlab is apparently placing the points like this:
>                o---o
>                |   |
>        o---o   |   |
>        |   |   |   |
>        |   |   |   |   o---o
>        |   |   |   |   |   |
>      o-o   o-o-o   o-o-o   X
> where an `o' represents a single point and an `X' represents a
> duplicate point.
> This seems very odd to me and probably not worth duplicating exactly.

This is not how Matlab USED to do it (see bar.m from MatLab, vintage 1988,
below). This would draw the following graph (where "+" marks a data

           |   |
       o-+-o   |
       |   |   |
       |   |   o-+-o
       |   |   |   |
       o   o   o   o

It basically follows the principle of octave's "bar".

I, too, think that this is how I like to see "bar"s, because I really
use histograms and have little use for the spreadsheet kind (in fact the
Matlab [1988] "hist" function uses "bar" to draw the histogram). However,
there is a place for the bar-chart as such (like the one drawn by John
Eaton); but to be fully useful this needs an additional parameter to
control the "mark-space" ratio (i.e. what proportion of the distance
between index marks is occupied by the width of the bar, relative to the
proportion occupied by the space between the bars).

Ted.                                    (address@hidden)

From address@hidden  Thu Oct 12 09:29:24 1995
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Subject: Re: Detecting Octave 
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Eyal Doron <address@hidden> wrote:

| Hi,
|    I would like an .m file to detect if its running under Matlab or
| Octave. Anybody have a generic solution?
| Before you start, things like
| if exist(whitespace_in_literal_matrix)

I put the following in my .octaverc

if exist('whitespace_in_literal_matrix')

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