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want to do this...

From: Terrence M. Brannon
Subject: want to do this...
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 12:13:45 -0700

I want to calculate k*exp(-x^2 / 2*sigma) for two values each of of k,
x, and sigma, giving me a total of 8 functions. Then I want to
subtract each of these functions from each other and graph the result.

How is this done

           terrence brannon (˜°ª˜Ê®˜§´) address@hidden
                USC, 3614 Watt Way, LA, CA 90089-2520
         office(˜¨¥˜¦×˜±¤) 213-740-6995 home(˜·§˜­ß) 213-764-9845

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