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Re: octave troubles

From: Uwe Bonnes
Subject: Re: octave troubles
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 17:04:55 +0200

>>>>> "Johan" == Johan Patyn <address@hidden> writes:

    Johan> Dear Sir, I do still have some problems with octave If I enter

    Johan> t =3D [0:10] linespace(0,10,10)

    Johan> Octave is doing very well ;

    Johan> However, when entering :

    Johan> t=3D[0:50]: or linespace(0:50,200) or whos -builtin a.s.o.  I
    Johan> always get the answer :

    Johan> sh: less not found

    Johan> Is there perhaps some parameter that has to be tuned to
    Johan> manipulate larger=20 problems ?

less is a pager like more. Either get and install it in a reachable
directory or if you have it, make it accessable for octave or look for the
(environment) variable PAGER (or something like that and set it to a pager
known on your system.

Hope this helps

Uwe Bonnes                address@hidden

Institut fuer Kernphysik  Schlossgartenstrasse 9  64289 Darmstadt
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